Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What can we do for our kids?

It seems there is a large void when it comes to things for our kids to do in their free time. We have the event center, and we are grateful for that, but it’s not a place that your kids can be left alone. They will plainly state that they are not babysitters for your children. They shouldn’t be left to run amuck because there are several places nearby that they can get into quite a bit of trouble.
So what to do? If your child is not into organized sports, then not much. Even so they will still have down time.  I know that we are a small town with limited funds, but we have a lot of land available. We could bring our parents and grandparents in this community together with fundraisers, search for grants from the state. Anything that would help. For their safety the kids need a safe place to go. A skate park, arcade, larger community park that is not on the highway, walking trails. Greenbrier has so much potential!

 Any of these things are attainable with the right energy, vision, and enthusiasm. What would it take to get this community on board for a project such as this? I don’t want to see teenagers just roaming the street, or younger children with no place to go. They need something to keep them occupied. Our kids are definitely worth the time and effort it would take to see this happen. We are not any different from any of these communities. They are not richer, stronger, or more important than we are.

What are your thoughts and ideas about this? I know that if we come together we can accomplish anything. Our kids deserve this.

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