Wednesday, April 22, 2015

New Greenbrier Mayor Ready To Move The City Forward

New Greenbrier Mayor Ready To Move The City Forward
There are many challenges facing Greenbrier’s new Mayor.  But I bet he’s up to the challenge. Mayor Hartwick very humbly says ‘he’s trying!’.  He has lots of hopes and desires to see Greenbrier move forward.  Mayor Hartwick is a soft spoken man who wears many hats at the present time.  He still drives the bus for Greenbrier schools.  He now oversees 55 employees whereas when working with the city there were only seven. So the Mayor has his hands full on a daily basis.  He is for sure a Mayor with a vision for the City of Greenbrier.  He also wants to be involved with the community on every level.
Mayor Hartwick would love to see a more connected community.  Because he was so involved with the schools and the school kids he wants to provide activities and the equipment needed for a growing community.  Some of those things include a bigger park setting, a disaster plan for Greenbrier, community garden, a farmer’s market and more fair like activity for the community to be involved in as a whole.  The bottom line is to draw the community together.
This past weekend you could see him out doing the Mustache Run with his wife Cheryl. He was involved in all the activities over the weekend. I am sure you will see him as the year goes on communicating and interacting with the people of Greenbrier with a listening ear.
Since he is just settling in to the official duties of Mayor the Greenbrier residents should be appreciative of a Mayor that has a forward vision for the city of Greenbrier. Hartwick is one that wants to see a city on the move and welcomes new businesses to the city of Greenbrier.
Here’s some breaking news as of Tuesday April 21st.  Mayor Hartwick has just told us that he is looking into grants to have the siren systems fixed and adding a couple more.  He is also looking into having a Farmer’s Market and a community Garden.  Mayor Hartwick is a visionary for the city of Greenbrier and is doing all within his power to progress the development and well-being of the City of Greenbrier.
As the weeks roll by and the months come and go give this Mayor a chance to see just how progressive and forward thinking he will be for the City of Greenbrier.

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